Backdrop CMS logo, mascot and icon of jigsaw representing module


Since I first started using Backdrop CMS, I have been contributing to both the Backdrop CMS core product and the large number of add-on modules and themes.

While many modules listed here are modules I ported, I created two (Layout Custom Theme and Paragraphs jQuery UI Accordion2) for Backdrop CMS and also some modules I joined as a co-maintainer to help fix bugs and add features or took over being the maintainer where the original maintainer was unable to continue.


Barcodes - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

If you have an e-commerce site or perhaps a business application that outputs shipping labels or other documents that include a barcode or QR code then this module could be for you. The main function of the module is to format fields with the selected barcode or QR code and...


Bee - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

If you are used to using the command line to manage your web sites, perhaps from using Drush on Drupal, Terminus on Pantheon, or other command line tools, then you will be interested in using Bee for managing your Backdrop CMS website. While there is a Backdrop extension for Drush, this is...

Block Reference - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Blocks are a great way to easily place content such as views or information from a particular module. Backdrop CMS allows blocks to be placed in the layout and for many cases this is sufficient. If you want a block to appear within the content then this module gives a field that can contain a...

Book Menus - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Backdrop CMS includes the book module which allows hierarchical structuring of content with chapters and sub chapters. A navigation menu is provided by default which gives easy navigation within the book. If, however, you want to take advantage of one or more of the many...

Colectomy - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

If you want to easily remove the colons from field labels, whether the label is above or inline, then this module gives you quick additional "no colon" options on the field label display settings.

Enforce Revision Logs - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

If you have several editors for your website's content, it's probable you'll want to be able to easily track the modifications made by each one on the pages.  When enabling node revisions, you can have access to every previous version of a node. But having to dig into former revisions to know...

Filter Permissions - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

While out of the box Backdrop CMS provides an instant text based filter, this module provides both a module based filter and a role based filter  which can be applied manually or can be applied from the "Permissions"/"Set Permissions" links on the module and role pages respectively. As well as...

Font Awesome - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

If you want to easily include Font Awesome icons in your Backdrop CMS website, this module can load the library from the CDN (Content Delivery Network) or from your webserver.  Font Awesome icons can be used in your theme, in content using the included Font Awesome Field submodule, and in other...

Gist Filter - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Gists are a service provided by GitHub where one or more code files can be shared publicly or privately. Many Gists are used for demonstrating code snippets and if you want to display these on your website then this module make it easy to do so. 

Layout Custom Theme - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

A website may cover a number of functions both for the public and for logged in users. Backdrop CMS adds a lot of power to customise access and to offer different layouts according to different paths. While CSS can allow different styles to apply according to the CSS classes you might apply,...
