Gist Filter - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Why should you install this module?

Gists are a service provided by GitHub where one or more code files can be shared publicly or privately. Many Gists are used for demonstrating code snippets and if you want to display these on your website then this module make it easy to do so. 


  • Easily embed Gists as:
    • Links
    • Code blocks
    • Embedded with a choice of themes and optional fallback to code block if JavaScript is disabled.
  • Embed individual files from a Gist
  • Where code blocks are used, the module has its own cache that can be managed to avoid unnecessary GitHub API calls.
  • Ability to use GitHub Personal Access Token to increase the GitHub API call limit.

Key contributions

  • Ported module from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS
  • Added upgrade path from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS
  • Improved caching function
  • Added ability to use GitHub Personal Access Token