Bee - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Why should you install this module?

If you are used to using the command line to manage your web sites, perhaps from using Drush on Drupal, Terminus on Pantheon, or other command line tools, then you will be interested in using Bee for managing your Backdrop CMS website. While there is a Backdrop extension for Drush, this is deprecated, which means it is no longer supported (specifically, several commands don't work with PHP 8.0+).

You may be new to using the command line to managing websites and here is where Bee is a good place to start. The commands don't have huge numbers of options so are simple to use and it is also simple to add your own custom Bee commands.

NOTE: Bee is not a standard Backdrop CMS module; it is a command line tool that can be installed in a number of ways.  Follow the links to find out more.


Bee has a large and growing number of commands built in.  For more details see the Usage page of the Wiki.  Bee also supports commands added to modules and also custom commands that can be located at project level or server level.

Key contributions

After making my first contribution in April 2022, I joined as a co-maintainer in May 2022 and became the sole maintainer in July 2023.  Key contributions include:

  • Fixed multiple minor errors
  • Multiple improvements to user experience.
  • Made compatible with newer PHP versions and compliant with Backdrop CMS coding standards.
  • Multiple improvements to support different MySQL/MariaDB versions.
  • Maintenance and improvements to GitHub Actions and testing environment for the project.
  • Added support for special characters in database passwords
  • Added multiple commands 
  • Added the ability to download module dependencies
  • Added support for Telemetry for Bee to address the gap in usage data and to provide information to support future development.
  • Added tools and workflow for releases including creating of PHAR files.