Why should you install this module?
When creating or editing a page, you may wish to save the page multiple times to ensure you don't lose any work. By default, when you press save in Backdrop CMS, you are either sent to view the page or back to the content administration page. This module adds a button titled "Save & Edit" on selected node types which redirects back to the edit form rather than returning to the node or admin page.
- Creates a "Save & Edit" button on node pages.
- Allows you to choose what node types to use the feature on.
- Allows you to customize the text for "Save & Edit", "Save & Publish", AND the default Backdrop node "Save" button to whatever you like.
- Allows you to choose to use the Auto-Unpublish feature, which will mark nodes as unpublished when you use the Save & Edit button. This can either be turned off, used on ALL nodes/clicks of the Save & Edit button, or can also be only used on NEW nodes.
- For ANY unpublished nodes, a new "Publish" button will allow you to quickly Save & Publish a node that was previously marked unpublished. This feature will be hidden on published nodes, and new nodes with the "Published" option checked by default.
- Allows to hide each of the default "Save", "Preview" and "Delete" buttons
Key contributions
- Ported the module from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS
- Added support for the Content Lock module
- Converted and applied pending patches from the Drupal 7 issue queue to fix long standing issues
- Maintained the module