Why should you install this module?
A website may cover a number of functions both for the public and for logged in users. Backdrop CMS adds a lot of power to customise access and to offer different layouts according to different paths. While CSS can allow different styles to apply according to the CSS classes you might apply, perhaps you need a completely different look and feel for certain pages.
Whether it is for administration pages to use a front end theme, to distinguish certain pages for logged in users in a different way, or to use a more minimal theme for presenting data, Layout Custom Theme can help.
- On layout configuration screens for any non-default layouts, a new checkbox appears to enable a custom theme for the layout; it doesn't make sense to offer a custom theme for the default content layout or the default admin layout as these will always use the default and admin themes respectively.
- Once enabled, all enabled themes will be shown in a select box.
- When the layout is active, through whatever rules you use, the custom theme will be used instead of the default theme.
Key contributions
- Created the module for Backdrop CMS
- Maintain the module
- Both found and resolved all bugs to date