Fast Token Browser - Backdrop CMS - Representative image

Why would you have installed this module?

Fast Token Browser replaced Backdrop CMS's default token browser with one that only loaded the token trees as they were expanded. Not only does this make it faster to load pages with the token browser on but it enabled tokens to be found from entity reference fields and other scenarios that caused very deep trees with a lot of layers.

Fast Token Browser was merged into Backdrop CMS in version 1.30.0 (see the Change Record for details) so it no longer needs to be installed on new installs or on sites updated to this version or higher.


  • Replaces core token browser
  • Replaces token tree for Token Help module
  • Opens using AJAX so only opens the levels being viewed and therefore opens faster.

Key contributions

  • Ported from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS
  • Fixed bugs
  • Maintained the module testing, reviewing merging and releasing other contributions.